Prison Rape Elimination Act Policy
BSS has a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment of staff and residents in our residential or non-residential programs. At no time is any sexual relationship between staff and residents, residents and residents of a consensual nature.
Residents and staff have a right to be free from sexual abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment. The residents and staff have a right to be free from retaliation for reporting sexual abuse and sexual harassment. BSS encourages any victim of sexual abuse, sexual assault or sexual harassment to report said behavior to any person, BSS staff or not, feels comfortable reporting the information to. BSS facilities have 3rd Party notifications posted on the PREA information board, as well.
BSS conducts administrative PREA investigations . The contracting agency (BOP/DOJ or CDCR) will be notified of any allegation of sexual abuse, sexual assault or sexual harassment. All allegations will be referred to or local law enforcement to conduct an administrative and/or criminal investigation. (115.222 (b)-1). Said investigations conducted will follow all PREA guidelines as identified in PREA standards 115.271, 115.272 and 115.273.
BSS will post the annual PREA Report in compliance with Department of Justice requirements as defined by PREA standard 115.289.
BSS PREA Coordinator, Bari Caine-Lomberto, can be reached at 949-492-3574.
BSS 3rd Party Reporters are as follows:
Van Nuys – Kim Wynia, DTR Granada Hills, (818) 893-5021
Los Angeles – Kim Wynia, DTR Long Beach, (562)423-6888
Riverside – Jonathan Dolan, Dolan Mental Health Services, (954) 608-1403
Florence – Stacey Hoyt, Valley Psychology Center (619) 203-5336
Phoenix – Stacey Hoyt, Valley Psychology Center (619) 203-5336
Phoenix-Roosevelt Final Audit Report 2019
Florence RRC 2019 Final Report
Rubidoux final PREA report2021
Vinewood Final Audit Report 2021
Florence 2023 Final PREA Audit Report Orion 2023 Final PREA Audit Report Phoenix 2023 Final PREA Audit Report